Frequently asked questions:
Why would I want Certification?
Certification will highlight to your customers that the organisation has documented processes that are independently audited. Many public and private sectors tenders request Certification as either a pre-requisite to moving to the next stage or as a filter to remove companies from the tender process. By achieving certification your organisation may improve your chances of successfully tendering.
There are many different management standards hence, finding the right one for your business may be confusing. It is recommended that as a fist step that ISO 9001 – quality management standard be used as this is a core standard that many other standards are based on. ISO 9001 has been globally adopted in virtually all industries – from manufacturers and service companies, to companies both large and small, multi site, multi national organisations and single location businesses, ISO 9001 has become the most widely recognized management system standard. ISO 9001 focuses on customer service, leadership, processes, continual improvement and mutually beneficial supplier relationships. If your business is responsible for waste, recycling or the production of environmental impact statements then the environmental standard ISO 14001 may be applicable. For organisations wanting to improve their safety performance then the standard AS 43801 may be of interest. Companies wanting to tender for particular projects may like to review tender documents to see what pre tender selection criteria are stipulated.
Will it be expensive to get certified and then maintain the certification?
Certification costs vary depending on the size of the organisation. Certification costs will also be dependent on how many standards the organisation would like to get certified against.
Will the certification process interrupt my business?
Obsequentia will work with the certification client to ensure that interruption to the business is minimized. Only one delegated representative is required from the company during the certification audit. However, the client for training purposes, may like some staff to participate during the certification process. The audit team will always work with the client to ensure minimal disruption to the business. Management is requested to attend open and closing audit meetings however, these are scheduled well in advance. The client also has the option to send a delegated representative to these meetings.
Will the auditors know how our business works?
Obsequentia select an audit team with appropriate expertise to conduct the audit. Obsequentia has highly experienced and competent auditors and when required subject matter experts are engaged.
Can I be certified as soon as possible?
The certification process involves the completion of a gap analysis audit followed by the certification audit. At the completion of the gap analysis audit the client is provided an audit report which outlines what needs to be rectified prior to the certification audit.
A non-conformance is when something within the business does not go according to plan. A non-conformance may result in a customer complaint. Non-conformances are to be recorded so that improvements in the management system can be identified.
An audit is the process by which a company shows evidence of working to the required standard. The objective of an audit is to assess the level of compliance against a particular standard.
What happens after your organisation is certified?
After an organisation is certified they are to continue with the processes that have been implemented. Internal audits are to be conducted to ensure that the management system is working as efficiently and effectively as possible. Post certification Obsequentia conduct an annual surveillance audit. The purpose of this audit is to ensure the ongoing maintenance of the management system.