Our COVID-19 Response Policy
Obsequentia Pty Ltd is a self-financed independent organisation, which ensures that it retains its impartiality. Impartiality is also maintained through managing conflict of interest and ensuring objectivity of certification activities. The following controls have been implemented to ensure impartiality:
- Auditors are prohibited from participating in any audits of an organisation to which they have given consultancy services, or where they have any financial or commercial interest for a minimum period of two years prior to the date of application for certification by Obsequentia
- All Obsequentia staff / subcontractors and members of the Impartiality Committee are to sign a Statement of Impartiality prior to completing any work on behalf of Obsequentia
- When a conflict of interest has been identified and the conflict cannot be removed through the appointment of another auditor, certification services will not be provided by Obsequentia.
- Obsequentia recognise that the source of revenue for a certification body is organisations seeking certification of their management system(s) however, certification decisions are to be based solely on objective evidence of conformity against certification compliance requirements.
Any concerns relating to impartiality of certification services please email info@obsequentia.com.au